The City’s Daytime Neighborhood Street Cleaning program currently runs from April 1 through November 30 for all neighborhoods except the North End, the South End, and Beacon Hill. The daytime program parking restrictions are not in effect during the months of December and March except in the North End, the South End, and Beacon Hill. There will be no posted street sweeping or program related parking enforcement during the months of January and February. Mechanical sweepers operate weather-permitting. During the winter, street cleaning and parking restrictions are nighttime-only except in the North End, the South End, and Beacon Hill neighborhoods.

In the event that Public Works decides to cancel street sweeping and parking enforcement for weather related reasons, notifications will be sent out by e-mail to NO-TOW subscribers or you may contact 311.

Boston Street Sweeping Lookup

Boston Street Cleaning

Parking Meters

Most meters are active Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Please make sure to check the hours of operation when you park.

You can only park for two hours, but some meters allow for more time. Please check the meter when you park.

The new initiative aims to set more parking spots aside for those trying to get to our busiest neighborhoods. During the pilot, Back Bay meters are $3.75 an hour. Meters in the Seaport District in South Boston are currently $1.50 an hour but will vary after April 3, 2017. All other parking meters in the City of Boston are $1.25 an hour. But please remember to check the meter for the exact price.

How do parking meters work?

Boston Parking Payment System

Parking Time Limited

  • No driver shall park or stand any vehicle for more than two (2) hours continuously on any day other than a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday during the hours indicated, provided that this Regulation shall not apply to commercial vehicles, as defined, stopped temporarily during the actual loading or unloading of materials. Further, this Regulation shall not apply to vehicles bearing a Resident Parking Sticker as issued under Article IV, Section 12C, as exempted and indicated by the presence of official signs.
  • No driver shall park or stand any vehicle for more than one (1) hour continuously on any day other than a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday during the hours indicated, provided that this Regulation shall not apply to commercial vehicles, as defined, stopped temporarily during the actual loading or unloading of materials.
  • No driver shall park or stand any vehicle for more than thirty (30) minutes continuously on any day other than a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday during the hours indicated, provided that this Regulation shall not apply to commercial vehicles, as defined, stopped temporarily during the actual loading or unloading of materials.
  • No driver shall park or stand any vehicle for more than fifteen (15) minutes continuously on any day other than a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday during the hours indicated, provided that this Regulation shall not apply to commercial vehicles, as defined, stopped temporarily during the actual loading or unloading of materials.

Boston Parking Time

Residential Parking Permits

If you see a “Resident Parking Only” sign in a neighborhood, it means you need a resident parking permit sticker for that neighborhood. Commercial vehicles can park for up to three hours on streets with resident parking.

Boston Parking Permit

Boston Permit Time


In a “No Stopping” zone, you can’t park your car or stop to make a drop off, a pick up, or load your car.

In a “No Standing” zone, you can’t park your car, but you can make a drop off, a pick up, or load your car. Commercial vehicles can’t load or unload in a “No Standing” zone.

Overnight Parking of Heavy Vehicles in Residential Areas Prohibited

No driver shall park or stand a motor vehicle of any type having a gross vehicle weight in excess of twelve thousand (12,000) pounds between the hours of nine (9:00) PM of one (1) day and eight (8:00) AM of the following day or anytime on Sunday, on any part of any street, way, highway, road or parkway under the control of the City that is residential. Residential shall be the territory contiguous to any street, way, highway, road or parkway under the control of the City where the dwelling houses are situated at such distances as will average less than two hundred (200) feet between them for a distance of a quarter of a mile or over

All-Night Commercial Vehicle Parking Prohibited

No driver shall park or stand any commercial vehicle or semi-trailer having a capacity of one (1) ton or over for more than one (1) hour between nine (9:00) PM. of one (1) day and eight (8:00) A.M. of the following day, or at any time on Sunday, on any part of any street, way, highway, road, or parkway under the control of the City, where parking or standing a vehicle is not otherwise prohibited, provided that this Regulation shall not apply during the actual loading or unloading of materials.

Handicapped Parking

You must be a Massachusetts resident and the primary owner of a registered car. If you are an eligible Massachusetts resident, you can get an accessible placard on a temporary or permanent basis. You can only have one valid placard at a time. A vehicle bearing a distinctive number plate, authorized by Section 2 of Chapter 90 of Massachusetts General Laws.

Bus Stops

No driver shall stop, stand, or park any vehicle other than a bus in any area designated by the Commissioner of Transportation as a bus stop.

Airport Parking

Boston Logan International Airport (BOS) is located about 4 miles east of Boston downtown. You can see parking restrictions and rates for BOS on the Boston Airport parking page.

Parking Clerk

We collect and mediate disputes of fines and fees from parking tickets. We also manage Boston’s resident parking program.

  • Phone: 617-635-4410
  • Address:1 City Hall Ave, Unit 224, Boston, MA 02201