Map -

There are no signs of parking during the street cleaning. Only this map

Online RV Permits

RVs and mobile homes may not park in residential streets without first obtaining a temporary RV permit in order to allow for loading and unloading. A permit allows street parking for a maximum 48-hour period. If an additional permit is desired, a minimum of 72 hours from the previous expiration is required. No more than six permits may be acquired during any three month period. Permits may be revoked for abuse, misuse, ineligibility or other good cause.

Alternative Fuel Vehicle Parking Permit

Qualified vehicles are eligible for this permit allowing for free metered parking at any city-enforced parking facility (including on-street parking meters). Parking rules are enforced.

Meter Hoods

May be rented by companies to allow parking at meters for extended periods of time, such as:

Construction sites; Delivery of supplies or equipment; Filming; Special Events


As a courtesy, vehicles displaying a valid handicap plate/placard are allowed four hours free at on-street parking meters in the city of Las Vegas. Drivers with disabled veteran or prisoner of war license plates — including those from other states — are exempted from parking (including meter) fees.

You must have a government-issued disabled person’s plate/placard to park in a handicapped space. These plates/placards may only be used by the person to whom they are issued. The minimum fine for illegal parking in a handicapped space in Nevada is $250. The state of Nevada also has restricted spaces that are posted Exclusive Side-Loading spaces that are reserved only for vehicles equipped with a side-loading wheelchair lift.


In person: You can pay in person at 500 S. Main St.

Office hours are Monday – Thursday, 7:30 a.m. – 5:15 p.m. and

Friday & Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Visa, MasterCard, Discover, checks and cash are accepted.


By mail: Submit check or money order in the remittance envelope provided.

Parking Meters

The city of Las Vegas recently installed in the downtown area new multispace meters that accept credit and debit cards, as well as coins. These solar-powered meters enable users to print receipts. Hours and days of operation for parking meters vary. Visitors should refer to the information posted on the parking meter. The city of Las Vegas offers free metered parking on major holidays.

Las Vegas Parking Meters

Red Curbs/ No Parking Fire Lane

Red indicates no stopping, standing or parking, whether or not the vehicle is attended and whether or not the engine or motor is running

Yellow Curbs

Indicates a zone for:

  • Commercial vehicles to stop, stand or park for the purpose of loading or unloading freight in accordance with the conditions and times posted on an accompanying sign;
  • Taxicabs to stop, stand, park for the purpose of loading, unloading or waiting for passengers in accordance with the conditions and times posted on an accompanying sign.

Time Limited Parking

When signs are erected on each block or the adjacent curbing or edge of road is painted giving notice thereof, no person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle upon any of the streets described in Schedule 17-VI, or within any district or time limited parking zone described therein, for a period longer than the parking limit as posted and as specified.

Parking Citations

Las Vegas City Parking Citations

Address: 500 S Main St, Las Vegas, NV 89101, USA Phone: +1 702-229-4700