Interactive map -
As a resident of the downtown you may be eligible to receive a parking permit. The City’s Downtown Parking Permit Program provides all day parking for downtown residents. By displaying a valid parking permit on your car, you can park all day without the worry of getting a parking ticket or moving your car from space to space on your block near your home.
It is illegal to park in the following locations: No parking zones marked by a red curb, no parking signs, or no standing signs. In front of a private or public driveway. In front of or within fifteen feet of a fire hydrant. Within marked or unmarked crosswalks. A crosswalk is considered to be in the extension of sidewalk boundary lines across a street or at any location where crosswalks are marked with white or yellow lines. Anywhere within an intersection including the corner curb area. Within 7,6" of a railroad track. For the purpose of advertising or selling. For the purpose of maintaining or repairing automobiles. In handicapped parking spaces without displaying the proper placard or license plate. Where a vehicle will obstruct or block a handicapped parking space. Within three feet of a handicapped access ramp. In the striped loading zone next to handicapped parking spaces. Straddling the markings or lines designating a parking stall.
Green Zones are limited term parking, usually 20 or 30 minutes, as marked on the curb. In any limited parking zone, you can receive a citation if you exceed the maximum limit by one minute or more. To avoid a citation, you must vacate the parking space within the time limit specified in order to let other members of the public use these high-demand spaces.
Yellow Zones are for commercial vehicles to load and unload merchandise for up to 20 minutes only. Yellow zones are usually found in commercial areas and are for the use of adjacent commercial establishments.
White Zones are for loading and unloading passengers for up to three minutes only and are usually used in such places as airports, hospitals, and bus and train stations
Blue Markings reserve parking spaces for disabled persons and are provided in off-street parking lots
The parking rate will be set to achieve 85% utilization of the on-street parking spaces. The current hourly meter rate is $1.00 per hour on Main Street and California Street, all other streets are $.50 per hour; hours of operation are 10am - 9pm, daily.
If you do not have a permit in a permit area, you will need to move your vehicle after the posted time limit, time limits are usually one to two hours.
Ventura Police Department - Parking Enforcement Division
1425 Dowell Dr., Ventura, CA 93003.
If you have any questions please call our Traffic Desk at 805-339-440
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